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Claws & Cobwebs Information

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rules, regulations, etc.
before you even think about doing anything else, this is the first place you should go. everything you need can be found right here, the rules in particular are to be read closely, they are very important and it is imperative that you pay close attention and do everything you are told. it will make everything here much easier on everyone involved, including you and the rest of our lovely member base. and while the rest of the threads found here are not required reads, they will definitely help.
C & C credits
by luxx lawliet
Aug 18, 2015 21:47:49 GMT
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Every once in a while, an important thread will be posted here that will aid you in staying informed and up to date on everything that occurs on the site. These threads are made so that you can be caught up on everything from new plots, activity checks, and anything in between that may directly effect you. It is very important to check here regularly. Of course, you will always be messages when a new update is made, especially when a new activity check it out in place so that you don't miss it.
high positions
by luxx lawliet
Aug 17, 2015 14:42:58 GMT
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suggestions & questions
No matter who you are, if you have a question you would like to ask us, whether or not it is about our current site plot, or just about the history or clans. However, it is important to check out the faq before you ask a question so that you aren't asking a question that already as an answer. This is also the place for you if you would like to suggest something for the site, we gladly listen to anything from anyone. We are always looking for new things that will give our members the best roleplay experience they can possibly have.
Q and A
by cheyenne
Sept 2, 2015 15:01:32 GMT
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the clans
It's very important that you are informed about the world your characters live in. That is what this board is all about. You can come here to find information about the individual clans, the allegiances, and about the past high positions. It is also where all information about the warriors world itself can be found. The warrior code, a complete list of herbs, and even legends that surround all the clans.
Former Leaders
by luxx lawliet
Sept 1, 2015 20:11:30 GMT
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Character Development

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character creation
When you wish to make a new character, or even your first character, you must first come here and check out or bio form before you can fill it out with all the information about your new character. Once you're finished, a staff member will come by and make sure that everything is up to par before accepting it. But if your bio isn't what it needs to be for whatever reason, it will be moved to pending and a staff member will tell you what needs to be fixed before you can get rping with your new character.
Plover , loner of the moor
by plover
Sept 5, 2015 17:26:47 GMT
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approved applications
Once your character application has been accepted by the staff member, it will be moved here. They will be moved into their respective sub-boards, either SkyClan, RainClan, ThornClan, or if your character is a loner, rouge, or kittypet, it will be placed into the non-clan board. All of these boards will not be viewable for guests, this is simply so that our members are protected from theft.
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kits & adoptions
This is the board devoted to finding characters new homes. If your wish for your character and their mate to have kits, the kitting board is the place to go. You can post in the kitting thread to find rules about kitting, and once you have your kits, you may put your kits up for adoption. You can also put up any characters that you wish to have adopted here. Whether they are your characters family, old mentor, apprentice, old friend, or even your characters mate.
Who can you trust--(Owl's Adoptions)
by Mousepaw
Sept 3, 2015 20:39:35 GMT
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plotting & logs
Everyone needs to have plots for their characters, it's what drives roleplay and makes it fun and interesting. This is where you can find other people's plot pages or post your own. It's always fun to check and see how your characters may interact with others. Remember that plotting goes both ways, if you want plots, you have to plot with other people! This is also the place you come to post logs with all your characters and their threads. It's important to keep those updated.
Cheyenne's Plots
by cheyenne
Sept 8, 2015 16:57:05 GMT
5 threads 33 posts


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lowrise plateau
A wall of rock several foxlengths high on all possible sides is imposing to those unable to jump. While young apprentices who have yet to build strong muscles may have to climb the steep rock ledge in order to make it to the top, and many elders need help to reach the ledge, for seasoned warriors and older apprentices, it is nothing compared to the high set branches around their territory. For intruding clans the ledge may be a challenge to reach, giving the clan plenty of time to sense their intruders before they reach the camp. The camp is rather open, with several trees and bushes around the edge of the plateau, but with tall enough trees surrounding them to provide cover from the elements. Kits are always warned to steer clear of the rocky ledge, even apprentices best stay away or loose rocks may slip from under their paws.
No Rush (OPEN)
by willowstorm
Sept 8, 2015 17:19:12 GMT
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the woodland
These tall trees are the perfect for the high jumping cats of SkyClan. Their leaves provide for a thin canopy over the forest floor, allowing small streams of light to illuminate the forests open landscape. Very little undergrowth obscures the territory, making it light and open, instead a soft layer of leaves and grasses cover the ground beneath the trees and are useful cushions for SkyClan paws. Highset branches of oak, beech, alder, and elm loom overhead, giving nest to many birds and squirrels who call this forest home alongside powerfully muscled warriors. The muscles ripple under their pelts as they launch themselves onto branches several foxlengths over their heads, grasping the branches with their strong claws. Skilled warriors are able to launch themselves from branch to branch without touching the ground for great distances.
Doomed to Fail (Sharpflower)
by Spiderclaw
Sept 11, 2015 15:37:24 GMT
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thunderpath crag
Careful! Don't get too close! - Along the far side of SkyClan territory, away from the rest of the clans, a tall cliff overlooks a thunderous monster path. Monsters can always be seen, heard, and smelled from the top of the rocky cliff face. Grass hangs over the edge, draping itself over jagged rocks and lead down to a small grassy overhang before another steep ledge leads directly down into the Thunderpath. Even warriors here are careful not to stray too close to the edge where loose rocks imply severe injury for anyone who approaches. And while those who fall have a chance of landing on the small overhang just below, the real trick is finding away back up, stepping carefully on well secured rocks, being sure not to cause a rockslide that could push them onto the Thunderpath an severe trouble for anyone unlucky enough to find themselves there.
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bramble hollow
Umph - It's hard to notice the hollow in which ThornClan makes their camp. A thick layer of brambles surrounds a deep dip in the ground, along with a woven layer covering overtop the cool, dark hollow, making it well protected against attack. By the time an enemy patrol realizes they have found the camp, ThornClan warriors would already be prepared and up-in-arms, more than ready to protect their camp from invaders. Even ThornClan warriors have to be careful when entering or exciting their camp without their skin being torn apart by the brambles sharp thorns and branches. The ground at the bottom of the hollow is hard and cold, very little sunlight manages to find its way through the thickly woven bramble canopy.
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conifer forest
Dark and cool. ThornClan territory sees little light through the thick roof of conifer trees, many pines, firs, and spruces conceal the sky and coat the dense earth underfoot in a thin layer of thin, dry nettles. The ground is typically damp underpaw and cool to the touch with such little sunlight to warm or dry it, when it storms, the ground can remain wet for many days after the water has stopped. Covering the territory is thick underbrush that rarely gives way to open land, much of which is made up of many bramble bushes, their sharp thorns and branches scratching and grasping at the pelts and skin of anyone unlucky enough to get caught in their merciless grasps. Short, thick pelts help prevent the sharp branches from getting caught as they may with long, fluffy fur, while at the same time, protecting much of the skin from becoming torn and scratched.
Let's Do This Right (OPEN)
by cindercloud
Sept 2, 2015 3:10:21 GMT
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the waterfall
Just as the river takes a sharp turn towards ThornClan and away from the wetlands of RainClan, the swift running water then falls into a narrow gorge and shallow water fall. Soft moss covers many rocks both atop and below the falls. The rocks surrounding the water are wet and slippery from the splashing water. It is best to keep your distance, for the wet rocks may give way underfoot, sending one plunging into the strong water. And while the fall is not one that would be fatal, even for young apprentices, it can be hard to grasp onto the rocks peaking out from the edge. It could be a long way to travel, being carried away by the rivers current before one would finally reach a calm, area and swim to the edge.
the long tendrils of death [open]
by Mousepaw
Sept 5, 2015 3:49:08 GMT
1 thread 7 posts


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forked streams
Where a single stream parts into two, RainClan makes their camp. A thick barrier of reeds surround the camp, making it hard to even see into the center of the small clearing. Only shadows of cats can be seen through the reeds, with the only small patch of thin reeds to be found directly away from the fork that acts as the entrance of camp. Inside, a thin layer of pale golden sand covers the hard ground, warm and soft underpaw, often riddled with fish scales and broken shells. It is impossible to reach the camp without crossing the quick running stream that runs on either side of the camp. Very few cats would dare to cross the water and initiate an attack straight on the camp, and even so, the trashing and struggling of land dwelling cats would quickly warn the cats inside camp.
(open) morning flow.
by ottersplash
Sept 8, 2015 23:03:39 GMT
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the lowlands
The lowest elevation of all the territories, RainClan territory is made up primarily of wetlands, very little dry land can be found on this territory. With only small patches of raised elevation allowing the water to roll down into the streams and marshes that make up the territory. All the water from both storms and rains run down into the territory, creating many small puddles and shallow standing bodies of water connected with small streams that cross over the territory, moving small fish. While this land is unpleasant for many other cats, feeling the mud and water between their paws sending shivers up their spines, the cats of RainClan live in it, and love it. The small streams provide food for their clan and relief on hot greenleaf days. Few trees such as oaks and hazel are scattered around the territory, and various bushes provide homes for water voles and other wetland creatures. While many water plants such as reeds, foxtails, and water lilies decorate the landscape and provide cover for stalking warriors and skittish prey.
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the riverbank
Decorated with stones, shells, and silvery sand the banks of the river span several foxlengths away from the cool waves. Many foxfails and reeds grow in thick patches around the edges, with water lilies and pads growing in the calmer areas of the river. Large rocks sit around the edges, overhanging the water and jutting out from the water, providing for stepping stones and a place in which cats can sit and over look the water. These rocks are often wet and covered in water making them slippery and dangerous to cross at times even if you are surefooted. Many RainClan cats will sit on these stones and watch the water, waiting for any movement below the waves before they strike with swift reflexes and thorn sharp claws.
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Clan Borders

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dry riverbed
A once powerful river, this small stretch of land is now nothing but rock and sand. Nothing grows at the bottom of this dry riverbed, and very little prey can be found here. It marks the border between ThornClan and SkyClan, and is rather useless in a sense, and no one knows for certain how SkyClan came to be the owner of the dead piece of land. It is said that when it first dried up, SkyClan was weak, they had lost the life of their leader and food was hard to find, the rest of the clans knew that. ThornClan deemed the dried riverbed theirs, even though in past moons it had been neutral ground. SkyClan viewed this as a try for the rest of their land and were outraged that ThornClan would attempt to take advantage of them in such a manner. SkyClan attempted to take the riverbed, but were met with angry ThornClan patrols, under the impression that SkyClan was there for more than the riverbed. Both clans fought, and in the end, SkyClan came out on top with only a dead river to show for it.
two halves make a whole [mousepaw]
by roanpaw
Sept 6, 2015 2:00:53 GMT
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grassy streambank
A small stream marks the end of RainClan territory, and the beginning of SkyClan. This small stream is swift moving and clear. Many small pebbles decorate the bottom of the streambed, and small minnows can often be found moving with the current. Large fish are not often found here, many that do venture into the stream are often caught and unable to swim due to their large size and the streams wide, but shallow water, leaving them at the mercy of any animal who happens to notice. The water is cool to the touch and always refreshing, even in the hottest greenleaf days the water remains cool, while in leafbare if no snow covers the top, the small pebbles can be seen through the transparent ice. Either side of the stream is lush and grassy, with long blades of grass hanging over the edge, billowing with the movement of the current.
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the river
Swift running and powerful. Very few cats are courageous enough to emirs themselves in the fast running river. The border between ThornClan and RainClan, it is flourishing in newleaf and greenleaf, the river is home to many swift swimming fish, carp, bleak, trout, rudd, and various other fish species make their home in this river, along with several other animals such as water voles and even frogs and snails, many types of water fairing plants grow and flourish here as well. During leafbare, a layer of ice covers the water, while the water at the bottom remains in liquid form, storing fish at the bottom until the ice melts in newleaf. Some cats are able to break the ice and reach fish that sit at the bottom. However, they have to be careful not to fall in or they could be trapped under the ice with no way out. Apprentices are always warned to steer clear of the ice unless it has been tested by a warrior first.
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Sacred Lands

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the river clearing
Where the river becomes shallow and calm, it parts, surrounding a large clearing before coming back together into a stream. There are few places to enter, but many large stepping stones provide a bridge for those not willing to wade through the rather shallow water. A thick net of reeds and foxtails surround the clearing, providing no outside view or entry, expect for several small weak spots in the reed net. Beyond the thick net is a slopped edge leading down into a large open clearing covered in a thin layer of soft sand. At the far south side of the clearing, a tall growing oak tree looms over the heads of all who stand below it. Four low branches hang low on the oak, the lowest of which provide a perch for the leaders of the three clans as they give their announcements to the gathered cats.
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Shimmer Stones
Leading down the stream that marks the switch from SkyClan territory to RainClan territory, just past the edge of the clans and into the upland moor, is the widest, but shallowest part of the stream. Water trickles over small, sparkling stones before the water falls and returns to a slow running stream that leads around the upland moor. During the day, the stones sparkle dully, and seem to be nothing special, but at night, the stones reflect the light of the moon and stars, shimmering like the lights of silverpelt. Ever half moon, medicine come here to communicate with StarClan, and where newly appointed leaders come to receive their new names. They lay over the stones, touching their noses lightly onto the shimmer pebbles before drifting off into a deep sleep where their ancestors meet them.
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Outside the Clans

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A long line of white fences separate the life of comfort and ease, from the wild livelihood of the clan cats. Gardens of well cared for flowers rest in the yards of the many twoleg nests settled here, many of which contain plump, fluffy cats, known to the clans as kittypets. The lives of these lazy felines are an insult to many who live off the land, hunting to survive and fighting for everything they have, and it is forbidden for clan cats to enter here, and those who do are looked down upon, some may even be punished for their actions. Many cats that do not call twoleg nests their home also live here, they live in the alleyways and anywhere they can. They find food in trash cans, or are able to catch a mouse or two of they get lucky enough.
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upland moor
Looking down upon the clans, is the moor. Covered in many wild grasses, beautiful patches of heather dominate the moorland, flowering in newleaf, and asphodel decorates the open landscape and provide minimal cover for the animals that can be found here. Many rabbits inhabit the land, making homes underground. Mice, voles, and some small lizards can also be found here, but beware, adders can sometimes be found nesting in old tunnels. While uninhabited by a clan, several loners and rouges make their home on the open upland, nesting in abandon badger sets, or sheltering in dips in the ground, seeking cover from the elements and strong winds that often blow over the moor. Very few cats are able to survive here, and even fewer can manage to thrive. The swift rabbits are too quick for many to catch, and the openness makes others uneasy, unable to properly conceal themselves in the tall grass and flowering heather. The few who are able to survive here are often arguing over prey and land due to the lack of order or rules.
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A dumping ground for everything twolegs throw away, the carrionplace is dirty and can be somewhat dangerous. A giant pile of old, thrown away junk is stacked in the center of a rusty fence, anything from old, rotting food, to the skeletons of dead twoleg monsters, giving off a musky, rotten odor all around it. Few cats dare to venture here, but some manage to make a living out of it, sheltering in rusted, broken down twoleg monsters, or under anything that can provide protection, even if they are able to find somewhere to shelter, they must always be on the lookout. Many rats can be found crawling under trash and nesting in just about anything they can find. It's best to steer clear of any and all signs of rats, rat bites can easily become infected, which can lead to a painful death.
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Member Haven

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staff discusion
For staff eyes only. No trespassers permitted.
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hello & farewell
Are you new to the site? If so, it's great to have you! It may now be required, but we all would love to know a little bit about you, which is why we have this board. Feel free to make a thread and tell us whatever you like about yourself so we can welcome your shinning face with open arms. This board can also be used to inform us about an upcoming hiatus so that if you happen to disappear, we don't worry about you too much.
by Phoenix
Sept 10, 2015 15:48:44 GMT
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Anything that does not directly pertain to the site will go here. You can post anything here from games to just random topics, almost everything goes. Of course, the site rules must always be taken into consideration when posting here, because even though it is not necessarily relevant to the site, it is part of it none-the-less. And anything that may cover controversial or mature content must be flagged as such to protect our members.
What are you listening to?
by Owlish
Sept 8, 2015 12:44:45 GMT
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graphics galore
Everything pertaining to graphics is to be posted here. Members may post a storage thread that can be used to keep posting tables and other character graphics. You can also come here to find a graphic shop created by a member any request anything from a custom posting table that can be used when rping your characters, to a nifty signature for your account.
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Advertisement & Archives

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Advertising is how sites survive, it's how people find them and how new members join. This board is guest friendly, and the only place on our site that you are allowed to post your sites advertisement, do not post it anywhere else. Make sure that you post in the right section, if we posted on your site first, then you should link back, but if we did not post on your site, then you would post in the first time board.
May 25, 2020 20:50:36 GMT
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If you would like to have your sites banner on our home for all to see, this is where you should go. But remember, if you want us to have you on our site, you have to put us on your board. All sites that we will be affiliating with must be active, and when we go through our affiliates every month, if a site is not what we consider to be active, then your site will be moved into the dead board, and if your site becomes active again, you may post in your thread and we will re-add you.
Soul of the Warrior
by Lithium
Aug 31, 2015 21:13:34 GMT
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All dead threads have to go somewhere. In order to keep the boards clean and clutter free, all finished and dead threads, because nothing is worse than having cluttered boards full of dead threads that are no longer in use and no longer have a purpose. Whether they are ic or occ threads will be moved here after two months of no one positing in them.
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